Articles and Publications

I’ve always been passionate about community engagement and writing in-depth articles on software engineering, AI, blockchain, and entrepreneurship. Below you’ll find a selection of my most recent and popular publications.


The Future of AI for Entrepreneurs

Saint Mary’s University, MTEI Society, 2024

A deep-dive into how AI solutions and strategies can empower new business ventures. Had the pleasure of co-presenting with Prof. Yigit Aydede.


Software Engineering

MongoDB, Express, AngularJS (1.6) and NodeJS (MEAN) Part 2

CloudBoost, 2017

In this part, we will setup the server file and define routes to serve our application on the browser. We will also look at some angularJS concepts and how they work together with nodeJS on the backend to make our life easier.

MongoDB, Express, AngularJS (1.6) and NodeJS (MEAN)

CloudBoost, 2017

This is the first tutorial of this series and it pretty much explains the basics of setting up a MEAN project, if you’re already comfortable setting up a MEAN project then you may find this long and boring. Feel free to move on to the next tutorial.

AngularJS End to End Testing using protractor

Medium, 2017

Protractor is an end-to-end testing platform for JavaScript(AngularJS) applications integrating technologies such as NodeJS, Selenium, Jasmine, Mocha and WebDriver.

Investment and Entrepreneurship